Updated: Oct 1, 20245 min read

Easiest way to Control your Smart Home with AI: Ollama + Home Assistant

Written by: Fixt
Ollama Icon


Home 3B v3

This new version is based on StableLM-Zephyr-3B, it achieves a score of 97.11% score for JSON function calling accuracy on the test dataset it’s trained

This version supports blind, light, garage_door, media_player, fan, lock, climate, switch, vacuum, todo, input_select and timer entity types.

And now with multi-language support: English, German, Spanish and French

NameTAGBitsSizeMax RAM requiredUse Case
Home-3B-v3.q2_k.ggufQ2_K21.08 GB3.50 GBsmallest, significant quality loss - not recommended for most purposes
Home-3B-v3.q3_k_m.ggufQ3_K_M31.39 GB3.89 GBvery small, high quality loss
Home-3B-v3.q4_k_m.ggufQ4_K_M41.71 GB4.21 GBmedium, balanced quality - recommended
Home-3B-v3.q5_k_m.ggufQ5_K_M51.99 GB4.49 GBlarge, very low quality loss - recommended
Home-3B-v3.q8_0.ggufQ8_082.97 GB5.47 GBvery large, extremely low quality loss - not recommended

Use the button below to go to the Integrations Page
To use this version, click on Configure and on Prompt Format select Zephyr

Open your Home Assistant instance and show an integration.

Home 3B v2

NameTAGBitsSizeMax RAM requiredUse Case
home-3b-v2.q2_k.ggufq2_k21.11 GB3.67 GBsmallest, significant quality loss - not recommended for most purposes
home-3b-v2.q3_k_m.ggufq3_k_m31.43 GB3.98 GBvery small, high quality loss
home-3b-v2.q4_k_m.ggufq4_k_m41.74 GB4.29 GBmedium, balanced quality - recommended
home-3b-v2.q5_k_m.ggufq5_k_m52.00 GB4.57 GBlarge, very low quality loss - recommended
home-3b-v2.q8_0.ggufq8_082.96 GB5.46 GBvery large, extremely low quality loss - not recommended

The above RAM figures assume no GPU offloading. If layers are offloaded to the GPU, this will reduce RAM usage and use VRAM instead.

Activate WSL Server Mode

WSLPorts is a PowerShell script that allows you to easily redirect and open ports in the Windows Firewall for your WSL Services.

It also prevents Windows from shuttting down WSL so you don't have to keep a Terminal Open

Save it on C:\WSLPorts\WSLPorts.ps1

Automate Script Execution at Logon

Automate Script Execution at Logon

$a = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" -Argument "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden -File `"C:\WSLPorts\WSLPorts.ps1`" "
$t = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogon
$s = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -AllowStartIfOnBatteries -DontStopIfGoingOnBatteries
$p = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -GroupId "BUILTIN\Administrators" -RunLevel Highest
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "WSLPorts" -Action $a -Trigger $t -Settings $s -Principal $p

Based on this article

Llama Conversation Integration

By acon96

Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.

v0.2.5 is out
If you installed v0.2.4, you need to set max tokens to 128 (or your preferred value) in the configuration after the update

Remember to update

to update it

docker compose pull
docker compose up --force-recreate -d